Key Fob Quickie, Crafts for the Office Continued

02 March 2011 23:22 by SarainAkko
My personal key ring has just undergone some major work-related changes

From this...

To this.

My key ring used to be simple (really simple) but now  it looks like that big old set of janitor keys hanging around some dude's belt. Despite the fact that they are heavy and jingle and slow me down when I'm on the go, I actually do need a surprising amount of these keys on a constant basis now and am forced to find a way to hold them along with all the other junk I tote around at work.

Enter the handcrafted key fob.

The tutorials online abound for this sort of project but as I only have this hardware on hand the project looks something like this:

Find heavy scrap of fabric, sew tube inside out and turn to right side, top stitch into a hand-sized loop. Attach to key ring and top stitch to reinforce. Easily find your less hideous keyring in style.

The close observer may also notice that this is the same scrap of fabric which I used to make my pinch close coin purse that holds my daily travel fare. So now it's a matching set. Find the tutorial of the coin purse remake here.

Next office preparedness craft is a true essential for your desk or purse, not to be missed.

3 Response to "Key Fob Quickie, Crafts for the Office Continued"

  1. Isreview Says:

    Cool solution.
    I too hate when I get the "janitor keys hanging around some dude's belt" look. Fun way to remedy that.

  2. SarainAkko Says:

    The most ridiculous part is this is only half the keys I need for the office, the rest live in a drawer (guess if that has it's own key).

  3. Anonymous Says:

    looks like the keys i had to west!

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